Monday 16 November 2015



As contouring and highlighting is such a big trend nowadays thanks to the Kardashians, the beauty market is full of different options. There are so many high-end brands that are cult favourites for highlighting and contouring. The drugstore lately has really upped their game when it comes to contour and highlights. There are also many affordable products that their quality can also be compared to their high-end counterparts. I made a round-up to what I think are the best highlighting and contouring products with affordable prices.

Collection Blush and Glow Palette- This is my latest drugstore discovery which is insanely affordable at £4.99 price tag. The palette has 1 contour shade, a highlighter, and 2 blushes. The size of each product is almost full size. The contour shade is matte and has warm undertones. The best way to use the contour is start is sheer and builds up so that you can control the shade. It applies and blends very well which is remarkable considering the price. The highlighter is really beautiful as it is not glittery at all. It gives a beautiful sheen which makes it perfect for daily use. Aside from the good contour and highlighter shades, it also has two blushes which makes this palette a very good, affordable palette.

Sleek Face Form Contouring and Blush Palette- This is an old favourite of mine. Sleek is the first drugstore brand who step up the contouring game with its affordable products. In the palette, you get one highlighter, one contour, and one blush which reminds me of Nars Orgasm which happens to be one of my favourite blush ever. The whole palette, I think, is a big dupe of Nars products as even the contour shade is a reminiscent of the infamous Nars Laguna. With the Sleek Face Face Form Palette, you can basically choose from four shades which ranges from Fair to Dark. This means that whatever skintone you have, you can get a good shade that will suit for you.

Maybelline Master Sculpt- This is probably my favourite contour shade from the drugstore. The contour shade has cool undertone and is bordering to almost greyish which makes it really suitable to my skintone. It is also the most compact in terms of packaging compared to the other palettes in this post which makes it handy to bring in your make-up bag.  I am not so keen on the highlighter of this palette but the contour shade is really fab.

Make-Up Revolution Ultra Contour Palette- This is probably the best affordable palette there is and only for £8. The palette comes with three matte contour shades, two concealers. one matte highlighter, and two baked highlighters. The palette is very versatile as you can choose several contour shades to match your skintone and several highlighter. The two concealers also comes very handy. The palette also come with a good size mirror which I always prefer as you never know when you needed a mirror when you are out and about.

So these are my top choices of affordable contours and highlighters. If you are just starting to do contouring and highlighting and you don't want to spend a lot of money, these palettes will be perfect for you.

every LiTTLE thing07


  1. I think I will test it ;-)

    Thanks for your informations <3

    Swantje from

  2. I've got the Collection Blush and Glow palette when it was released. I absolutely love and the blushes in the palette are lush.

    1. The whole palette is absolutely gorgeous! Xx

  3. I'm pretty new to whole highlighting and contouring concept, however I've recently started playing about with highlighter on my nose, cheekbones and brow-bones... so I'm getting there (slowly!). I love the look of Collection blush and glow palette :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

    1. The Collection Blush & Glow palette is gorgeous Gabrielle & very affordable. Xx

  4. All these palettes look so pretty and they are really affordable. I have my eye on Maybelline one however I keep forgetting to get it :) x

    1. The Maybelline contour shade is so pretty! Xx

  5. I suck at contouring but I haven't tried any of these, my most recent purchase was a cheap one from freedom make up but I don't think it's done that well so far :( i definitely want to get the sleek one as the brand always impreses me xxxx

    1. I also suck in contouring Jess. I think that it doesn't really suit my face structure tbh. Xx

  6. Love this post! I really need to find a nice cheap alternative to something like the ABH contour kit so that I can experiment with contouring first. The Maybelline and Sleek ones look really great, definitely a fan of a more cool toned contour shade. x

    Megan |

    1. I am more into budget contour as of the moment as I have yet to master contouring before I purchased more high end ones. Xx

  7. I love the Makeup Revololution Blush Palettes, they are beautiful and so affordable!

    A Little Dose of Makeup

  8. The MUR palette is brilliant for £8. I used to have the Sleek palette but my sister stole it so maybe I need to reclaim that back!

    Katya | The Beauty Harbour

    1. The MUR palette is indeed very good Katya as it has different shades of contour. You can mix colours together to get a perfect blend for your skin. Xx

  9. I'll always have love for the Sleek palette. You're right, I think they were one of the first budget brands that gave us decent contouring products - I remember it being forever sold out a few years ago!

    The Beauty Locker

    1. I had a hard time looking for one when it was first released. Xx

  10. I haven't bought a contour product yet because the ones I found are pretty expensive. But that MUR palette looks so gorgeous, I think that one is my fave! Thanks for sharing honey.

    Love, Layla Rosita

    1. The MUR palette is so worth a try Layla. The quality is brilliant for its affordable price. Xx

  11. I love the look of all of these, I've just started venturing into the world of contouring so definitely need to give some of these a try :)
    Love Holly x

    1. The budget ones are the best choices esp when you are just starting. Xx

  12. This is perfect timing! I am kind of trying to learn how to do contouring right now, and I don't want to spend too much on palettes. I will check out these tomorrow at our drugstore:) Thank you so much for sharing!


    1. I'm glad you find this post helpful Yulia! Xx

  13. I adore the Sleek Face Form palette!

    Sara - She Who Is Short


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