Saturday 25 July 2015


As you may have notice, there's a bit of a change in my blog. Instead of posting every other day, I now post three times a week instead. I have been quiet unhappy with my blog lately and I know other bloggers also experience this feeling every now and then. A bit of a blogging rut as we call it. That feeling of unhappiness is however going on and on and it is dragging me down. I am not the sort of person to wallow on misery and I always try to look on the brighter side of things. When I started blogging, my main purpose of doing it is to release some creativity in me. I have never been a creative person and sadly growing up, I am boxed as an academic. I never excelled in anything with regards to being creative like music, arts, etc. Blogging has however gave me an opportunity to somehow express creativity. I tried my hardest to be creative in photos. As time goes by, I did learn a trick or two to improve my photography in which I am really happy about but I still need to improve.

My blog is a source of happiness for me and I want it to be a positive place thus why I don't post things if I will just say negative things about it. I'd rather not post it. That is a personal choice by the way. I treat my blog as my baby and being unhappy about it is disheartening. I did a thorough thought about it and I don't really want to give up something that I am passionate about. After endless deep thoughts, I came to a conclusion that probably why I  am unhappy about it is I beat myself to post on my imposed schedules. I may had ended up churning posts just because I need to not because I want to. Saying that, I don't want to post very sporadically as it also feels that I am ignoring my passion. I decided to post three times a week. It is actually not much of a change from my previous posting schedule as by posting every other day previously, I post three and four times a week alternately. I just started the change last week and I feel happier about it. I can plan my contents properly and I have more time to create contents which I hope are better.

Talking about photos, I am more active in Instagram nowadays. Instagram and I have a wrong start but I am enjoying it more recently. I have really enjoyed taking photos and posting it in instagram. I now get the hype behind it. If you want to take a peek, I'm at . I want to end this post by saying thank you for continuing to support my blog despite the wee change. Hopefully I can create better contents that you would enjoy reading whilst I enjoy doing the contents as well.

every LiTTLE thing07


  1. We all have moments when blogging doesn't give us as much joy as we want, it's a hard job at times to keep up with everything. Don't be disheartened, your blog is great and your photos always stunning! Maybe you need a little break to get your mojo and motivation back on track? x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. Thank you Dagmara. I think a little break would definitely help although I am finding joy in blogging again. Xx

  2. Well done on noticing that you're losing momentum and doing something about it, so many bloggers seem to try and push through and therefore create fake and forced content. You know what's best for you and I hope that the change in upload helps you become inspired again!

    Heather, porcelainbeautyx

    1. Thank you Heather. I am trying my best not to churn out post just for the sake of it. Xx

  3. Academic box or not, we all have a little creativeness inside of us, it's just finding your creative niche to unleash it in!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

    1. Thank you Sarah. I certainly found a bit of creativity in my photography. Xx

  4. I have been reading your blog for awhile now and you shouldn't really worry yourself. Your blog is good and your photos are fantastic. I hope you will continue to enjoy what you are doing.

    1. Thank you Athena. That is so sweet of you. Xx

  5. Changing up your blogging routine will no doubt be refreshing, I hope you start to feel more positive now about your blog now you've implemented new changes :)

    ps. I've grown to appreciate Instagram quite a bit now too!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice


    1. I am already feeling positive about it Gabrielle. I hope this will continue. Xx

  6. I know what you mean and you shouldn't beat yourself up about it! take some time for you. {{{hugs}}}
    I would love you to check my blog out too :)

  7. I think you are completely, it's down to what suits you, but sometimes it's the right choice to have a little bit of space to yourself, and do it when you are comfortable :)

  8. I know what you mean by feeling unhappy about your blog. For me, it's a feeling of dissatisfaction; I'm never satisfied with whatever I post! It gets very frustrating at times, so I've realized how great it is to change things up from time to time. I'm glad that you find blogging a wonderful, creative outlet for yourself! I wish you the very best and just know that your blog is beautiful no matter what ~ I can't wait to see what you have in store for your readers! Looking forward to it.

    xx Chaereen | Inspinkle

    1. Thank you for your nice words Chaereen. That definitely brought some smiles to me. Xx

  9. I think you've made the right decision to cut down on some posts :). It's really good because other wise you're forcing yourself to pump out content and it wont be your best! x

    Katina |

    1. Thank you Katina. I hope that I will be able to give the best that I can. Xx

  10. i hope you get through your rut. Just keep on soldiering! your posts are lovely, you're depriving us of your wonderful gift :)

    Jessica |

    1. That is so sweet Jessica! Thank you so much. Xx

  11. Hope your new routine goes well for you :) I think your photography is stunning by the way! x

    The Belle Narrative

  12. Aww Ella, how come?? I have always admired how you can keep up with your blog. I'm the one who is always stuck in that rut. I hope that this new schedule will let you feel less pressure and you enjoy blogging again <3

    | |

    1. Thank you Siham. I am just struggling to balance everything which is sometimes tricky. I am already feeling positive with the changes that I made. Xx


Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment, it means the world to me. Xx

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