Sunday 27 April 2014


I don't say it much but I do love reading books. I read all the time and I read books before sleeping. A routine that I have never outgrown since childhood. From Disney Fairytales, Agatha Christie's books, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Hunger Games Series, and yes the Game of Thrones. Since I started blogging though, my interest for reading materials has shifted to fashion and beauty. Books that I considered before that its sole purpose is for decor. How wrong I was, these fashion and beauty books are also as interesting as other genre of books. I then catch my self to start collecting them. So here are my three newest reads.

The World According to Karl- These book is full of qoutes and outlook by Karl Lagerfeld. It is witty, funny, hilarious, and very interesting at the same time. By reading these, you can almost understand a part of the very enigmatic Karl Lagerfeld. If you are a fan of Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld or fashion, these book is just for you.

Paris Street Style- This was recommended by the lovely Suzie of Hello-October in her youtube chanel. When I saw it at Urban Outfitters, I just bought it immediately. This is full of tips on how to style almost every piece of clothing that you got in your wardrobe. Parisians are very stylish and this book will help you how attain the Parisians chicness!

Influence- This is written by the infamous Olsen twins. As a big fan of both, I was just lusting over it for a long time until the boyfriend bought it for me. This is full of photos and interviews of people who Ashley and Mary-Kate consider as their influences. If you are like me and a  big fan of the Olsen twins, go and get your self one. The book is big and in a hardcover. A good one to display in your coffee table as well.

These three books are really good and I really enjoyed them. I finished with one and halfway on the other one. So there is still a book and a half to read. Please leave in the comments if you have any book suggestions and I will highly appreciate it. Till' next time :)

every LiTTLE thing07


  1. These sound great, I haven't read many beauty books but these sound well worth a look :) x

    Claire | AgentSmyth

    1. All are really good books! Karl's one is very witty. Xx

  2. All three of these books sound amazing! x

    Mel // izzipenelope

  3. I absolutely love the Olsen's so I may have to purchase this book. I love reading too, but it's hard to fit both reading and blogging into spare time.

    1. Reading other blogs counts as well! I always try to fit reading books in my spare time. Xx

  4. Great recommendations! I have been lusting over Influence and the Paris Street Style book for a good while now - I think you have given me the final push to purchase! :) Thanks for posting! Claire x

    1. You should get it beaut. Both are good reads. Xx

  5. i LOVE reading, check out this post


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