Sunday 21 September 2014


Although the UK is still experiencing the beautiful sunshine every now and then, I can feel that Autumn is fast approaching. The lovely Siham from Noirette Diary tagged me to do the Autumn Tag. I am so glad that she tagged me as Autumn is probably my favourite season. As of the moment, I am also experiencing the dreaded blogger rut so forgive me if my contents are rather rubbish lately. I am taking it slowly and hopefully my mojo will come back. Lots of finger-crossing comes with that statement.

1.  Ok we're talking coffee's - what's your favorite seasonal drink from Starbucks or another coffee shop?
- I don't actually have a favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks. I just drink Caramel Macchiato with cream on top all year round. I tried most of their seasonal drink but nothing beats my favourite.

2.  Accessories - what do you opt for, scarf, boots, gloves?
Boots most definitely and scarves comes in close. I love ankle boots and scarves as both are great way to add a bit of something in any outfits.

3.  Music - what's your favorite music to listen to during Autumn?
The music that I like to listen doesn't really depend from what season it is. It varies from time to time. At the moment, I'm obsessed with Jasmine Thompson. She has a very nice, soothing voice. Also, Train's new album is very addictive.

4.  Perfume - what's your favorite scent for this time of year?
During the colder months, I love some heady scents. My favourite for the cold months is Jo Malone's Limited Edition Rain and Angelica. It's not florally, just a lovely smell that reminds me of smell of grasses after the rain. Very soothing and addictive.

5.  Candles - what scents will you be burning this season?
- I will be burning the Laura Mercier Votive Candles that I got in the sale last year. It smells so cosy and perfect for the cold weather.

6. What do you love most about Autumn?
- I love the transition that happens during Autumn. The tree leaves are more colourful and there is something about Autumn that makes it so soothing.

7. Favourite make-up look?
- I will be definitely rocking berry and plum lips whilst keeping the rest neutral. A dewy finish foundation will always be my bestfriend on the colder months to give some glow to my complexion.

8. What are you looking forward to most in Autumn?
- I always look forward to the cosiness of Autumn brings. Snuggling in pjs with a cosy blanket whilst candles are burning and with a nice cup of coffee are what I look forwards most. Wearing scarves and boots are also another highlight.

So this is my Autumn Tag. I hope you enjoy reading it and let me know if you have done or you are going to do this tag. Till next time :)

every LiTTLE thing07


  1. I also got tagged along with you in this, such a great little tag. Loved reading this and I personally don't think your content has changed lately but your more then entitled to take some time out every now and then! Hope you get your mojo back soon :) x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Thank you for your nice words Alina. It really cheers me up. Xx

  2. I love reading these tags. They are so much fun.
    Renee x

  3. love reading tags! :) this one looks fun:) love caramel macchiato to :)

  4. Blogger rut is terrible, I hope you get over it soon.

  5. I need to check out jo malone heard amazing things, boots are defo the winter essential too! Hope you are having a nice weekend xxx

    Blonde of carbs

    1. You should try Jo Malone perfume Jess, they are really lovely. Xx

  6. I was really excited to read your answers! I think we agree on some bits, definitely loooove autumn. I hope you get over that rut hun, however I don't feel anything here has changed or anything bad :) X

    | |

    1. UK is starting to get colder although we still have lovely sunshine. Xx

  7. I am going to be doing this tag in the next couple of days! Loved your post!

    Juliana Grace |

    1. I will be looking out for your answers. Xx


Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment, it means the world to me. Xx

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