Monday 15 September 2014


Today is not one of your usual post that you get from my little blog. I was invited by the lovely Daisy of prettygreentea to do a Blog Hop. The idea is to introduce two bloggers and the bloggers that I introduced will introduce two bloggers each. It is more of spreading the love into the blogging world. By the way, incase you haven't heard about Daisy, you should defo check her blog in which I left a link above. Before introducing the two bloggers, I first have to answer a few questions.
1. What do I write?
- I am somewhat warry of labeling myself as a writer as that is one serious thing going on. My bestfriend is a good writer and I have so much respect to her. I think I would rephrase the question into what do I blog? I blog about anything under the sun whatever pleases me really. Mostly it is related to beauty as I am a big fan of beauty products. I then add some lifestyle posts in between and very rarely about fashion as I live in a monochromatic wardrobe.

2. What I am workin on?
- I am doing quiet a lot of things at the moment. I work full time plus my little blog. We also have a little bundle of joy in the family so I like to spend a lot of time with her. My main focus at the moment however is to achieve a healthier lifestyle. I am not going with the fad but it is a choice based on personal circumstances. So that it what I am really workin on aside from all the extra bits.

3. How does my blog differ from others of the same genre?
- I can't say really that my blog is unique from the rest. I, however, believe is that every blog is unique from each other as each has different experiences, ideas, and beliefs.

4. How does my writing process work?
- My writing process will only start working if I have photos or visuals of what I am writing at. I am more of a visual person and I express myself more in photos. It is so difficult for me to write and write. I can talk a lot but I cannot write a lot of words.

For this Blog Hop, I am tagging two people. I could tag a whole lot more in which I will be doing soon.

The first one is Amber from amberspyglass. I strongly believe that she is my long lost sister or my soul sister even. We almost have the same taste. Her blog is really great and unlike me, Amber's writing style is really good.

The second one is my favourite Julie from justjulie. I have spoken to her several times via twitter and she is the loveliest person I have known. It's just that I think we will really get very well when we meet. She has a very warm personality to her.

So this is my share of Blog Hop. If you want to join the hop, please do so. Please check the three lovely ladies that are mentioned above. Till' next time :)

every LiTTLE thing07


  1. I love this idea I have never done a blog hop before!! I think your photos are gorgeous and can definitely see that you prefer visual xxx

    Blonde of carbs

  2. It's nice seeing bloggers promoting other bloggers as well. It a very kind act

    1. The blogging community is very nice generally. Xx

  3. What a great idea! Will definitely be checking out the blogs you recommended!

    Melanie | Melaniface

  4. Thank you for asking me to join in with the blog hop! I'm all for bloggers helping promoting other bloggers! Love your answers and your the loveliest too! X

  5. What a lovely post! Definitely checking out those blogs. I'll just say that I really enjoy reading your blog, I agree that everyone's blog is unique and yours happens to be one of my faves :D X

    | |

    1. Yay! Thank you Siham. That is the nicest words I received so far. Xx

  6. Oh Ella, you are so lovely about me! I've had a little blogging break due to life getting very hectic, but I will be back in the swing of things tomorrow with my post! x

    1. I might be taking a break soon as well. I'm excited though that you will be back with a spanking new post tomorrow. Xx


Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment, it means the world to me. Xx

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