Tuesday 15 July 2014



When I started using the Clinique's Lash Power Feathering Mascara, I was not totally impressed with it to be quiet honest. I have forgotten about it until I re-discovered it again after rummaging my stuffs. I tried it again, worn it the whole day, and I finished my day being really amazed with this mascara. Like, how on earth did I think that this mascara is no good. Mind-blowing!

The Clinique Lash Power Feathering Mascara coverts lashes into fuller and fluttery. Eventhough it delivers fluttery lashes, it still looks natural in which I really like as it is good to use for work or when you want a natural looking make-up look. I find it that two coats are enough to give my lashes the flutter that it needed. What I really like with this Feathering Mascara is its staying power. On hot weather, most of mascaras tends to flake or melt. I blame it to my constant eye rubbing. Yup! I do rub my eyes all the time and I know it is bad but I can't help it. Anyway, I also don't like waterproof mascara as it is just a pain to remove. I also don't like the waterlroof formula as I think it's not that good compared to normal mascaras. The Clinique Feathering Mascara, despite that it's not waterproof, just stays put the whole day. It just don't budge and flake. Like I am seriously amaze. No matter i rub my eyes, it is still there. And another big point for this mascara is you can remove it like a breeze. Just wow! This is a like the non waterproof mascara that acts like a waterproof one but easy to remove.


So if you are looking for a mascara for the amazing hot weather in the UK at the moment or you want a mascara for your holiday, the Clinique Lash Power Feathering Mascara is the perfect companion. And if you have this mascara and you are like me in which you just did not get on with it at first, leave it for a week or two and try it again. I think when the formula dries down a bit, the mascara becomes seriously amazing. Till' next time :)

every LiTTLE thing07


  1. Seems like this is the mascara I've been wanting to have.

    1. Are you having problems with flaking mascara as well?

    2. Flaky Mascara and panda eyes!

    3. Panda eyes is not a pretty sight. This Clinique mascara is really good and will definitely not give you both problems. Xx

  2. I love Clinique mascara! I think a lot of mascaras need time to dry out a little before you use them. I often open them up, use them once, hate them and ignore them for weeks. Then I give them a second go and they are loads better! x

    1. I know. Mascara tends to be better if it dried out a bit. Xx

  3. Do you think this would be a good one to keep the curl? I have problems with mascaras giving me very straight lashes :/

    1. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help with that one as I am not generally curling my lashes nowadays.

  4. The next Clinique Mascara you HAVE to try is the curling mascara they have! I swear by that one! Great post!

    Juliana Grace | www.julianagraceblogspace.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks for recommending that Juliana. I will defo try that in my next trip to a Clinique counter. Xx

  5. The problem with me is that mascara without waterproof can't really keep my eyelashes curl. The mascara sounds lovely though

    Kiss me Sunday // Bloglovin

    1. This mascara is really good. I rarely talk about mascara as I am not easily impress mascara wise, but this one is really good. Xx

  6. I currently live in Gibraltar(it's a British colony on the tip of Spain) so it's always super hot here so this seems like a great investment! Plus, as there's no VAT here, the clinque products are even cheaper than in the UK, woohoo! x

    1. Aha! Now I am jealous of the no vat products in there. How lucky you are! Xx

  7. This sounds like a really good mascara - might have to buy it, always in search of a mascara to give me big fluttery lashes :) x

    1. Let me know what you think of it when you get one. Xx


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