Saturday 11 October 2014


On most weekends, I try to squeeze in some time for me to read. I have not been doing so well with this the past few weeks as busy is an understatement on the last few weekends. This week, I will try my best to atleast finish one magazine as I have loads of it still waiting to be browsed and read. I am also hoping to finish the book that I am reading. I used to finish a book in 2-3 days time but nowadays, I am just slacking. I have a really good book and it's in my possession for more than two weeks. That is so unheard of before.

The book that I am hopelessly and desperately wanting to finish is the The Hundred-Year-Old-Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared. Yes, that is a mouthful of a title but it is really good. I am almost halfway of the book and it is certainly very good. It is fun, witty, and entertaining. No wonder it is a bestseller. I highly recommend this book. It is not beauty related as you may have a guess by the title but it is a really good read. The magazine that I am really determined to finish this weekend is the latest issue of the Porter Magazine. What I love about this magazine is the editorials are really good and so pleasing to the eyes. It is not really groundbreaking and I find it more of an advert for Net-a-Porter but still it is a good magazine.

So these two are my readings lists for the weekend. What are your plans for the weekend? Till' next time :)

every LiTTLE thing07


  1. Replies
    1. That sounds fun! I miss nights like that. Xx

  2. lots of plans:) chores first and then 'me' time :)

    1. Me too! I have loads of errands today. Xx

  3. Love this post! You have a spectacular blog also by the way! This weekend I went to my highschool football game and tonight I am watching the Alabama football game at home with my sister and eating ice cream :) Enjoy your weekend!!

    Juliana Grace |

    1. I like the ice cream bit. I might have some tonight though it's cold in the UK now. Xx

  4. Just read this book its soso good!

    Charlotte //

    1. I really love it and I can't wait to finish it. Xx

  5. I haven't read Porter magazine, but I am generally CRAP with any magazines! I used to buy loads before and was like why am I wasting my money? But they are just so nice to have haha, well done with the book too, I just can't get back into reading but will check this one out as I want to pick up a few new reads :) xxx


    1. Definitely get this book Jess! You will surely love it. Xx

  6. Love this post!! I am the exact same when it comes to reading now I just can never find the time and when I do its always late and night and I am too tired to read. I might need to try reading that book it sounds very interesting by the title haha :) xx

    1. You should read the book. It is so good and hilarious. Xx

  7. Loved The Hundred Year Old was actually the first book I reviewed on my blog :) The author has a new one out, called The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden, and that's one I really want to read!

    1. Ohh, I'll keep an eye on the new book when I'm out shopping. Thank you for letting me know. Xx

  8. That book is in my 'to read' list, but my 'to read' list is so long that I'll need a kick up my backside to get around to it! Maybe this should be it, I should put it higher up on the list!

    Always like seeing posts about reading, reading is good!

    Laura -

    1. It is a really good book. Very hilarious and witty. Xx


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