Thursday 1 January 2015


First and foremost, Happy New Year everyone! For the first day in 2015, I would like to give 2014 one final wave. 2014 has been a great year to me personally. There are some sad and trying times but most are good. 2014 had taught me a lot of things in which I think helped me to become a better person and more equiped for 2015.

1. It is okay to say NO. I hate to disappoint anyone and with that personality, it is really difficult for me to say no. Saying that, I always end up saying yes to anything that comes my way or yes to any request in general. Yes, I did please a lot of people by saying yes but I struggled a lot. My health suffered and my stress level is high. At the beginning of 2014, my parents and I had a long talk about this. I started to say No to things. It is difficult at first but as time goes on, I realised that it is actually okay to say No. I feel much more in control with myself and much more responsible in my decisions.

2. I am who I am. As mentioned, I like to please everyone but that is how not the world works. You cannot please everyone. I tried to be true to myself and ended up being a lot happier. It is alright to be true to yourself but also be respectful to others for who they are. Each one of us is different and that difference makes us more human and unique. There is always room for improvement as well. If you think there is an aspect in your life that you want to change, go for it. We only live once, make it worthwhile. It is your life. Don't let anyone make you feel gulity for living it your way.

3. Each day is a new beginning. We don't need to wait for the new year to start afresh. Every new day is an open opportunity to start something new or to be a better person. Every day is filled with new memories to make, new person to meet, new path to follow, etc. Just enjoy each day.

4. Always choose joy. When I come into a crossroad, I used to overthink of which decision to take. 2014 taught me that making a decision should not always be complicated. In 2014, most of my decisions are based on what makes me happy. I always choose in which I felt happier. It is not always easy to choose happiness but if you are happy, why worry about something else. I know that life is not all bright and happy but if you are given a choice to be happy, why not take it. Be your own source of joy and happiness.

5. Life whispers, listen closely. Some of the best moments in 2014, I was caught unaware. It is being aware of what life is trying to teach and show you. When you reach a moment that you finally realise that this is what all what happened in the past leads to. Don't be overburden with regrets. See life as happiness and not something that gives you aches and pains.

These are some lessons that I've learnt in 2014. What are yours?

every LiTTLE thing07

P.S Photo credit and created by my talented cousin Ayana


  1. Happy New Year! You have learn some really good life lessons in 2014.

    1. Thank you hun. I indeed learn a lot of things as the years go by. Xx

  2. I absolutely love number 5 - Life whispers, listen closely. That really resonated with me, thanks for sharing x

    1. I love that as well. We have to be observant of what is going on instead of wallowing on our misery. Xx

  3. Happy New Year hunnie! I had a hard time saying no in 2014. This fall I started to really work on that and I've found that guess what, things go on without me! Having less on your plate is a good thing, because then you can really devote your attention to getting things done properly.


    1. I completely agree with you. It is hard at first but the more you think about it, it will be the best for you too say no if you have so much in your plate already. Xx

  4. Happy New Year! I hope 2015 is a great year for you! x

    1. I hope 2015 will be good for you as well beaut! Xx

  5. Great post hun and happy new year, i have to say i agree with all of those especially 2, i once made a few changes for myself and i am so glad i did as i've been much happier since.

    Diana x

    1. We should be happy and proud for who we are. Xx


Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment, it means the world to me. Xx

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